Thursday, March 18, 2004

The coming of Dracosaur

Sweet, sweet tidings to share with the world. Scott McCullar, a long-time buddy of mine in online comic book land, has finished the coloring the cover of Shooting Star Comics Anthology no. 5. The pencils were done by artist Todd Nauck, perhaps best-known for his work on DC Comics' Young Justice series. Take a look at this beauty here:

Now, the reason for all the hoo-ha on my part is that this issue contains my sequential art scripting debut. The book is an anthology, after all, and my story Dracosaur is one of the featured tales contained within these august pages. Look on the cover. Can you pick out which character is mine? Subtle, ain't he? Old Scott's been bellyaching about how difficult this cover was to cover, and how the color mix doesn't work, and how he's ruined it for everyone and is going to wear a paper bag over his head for the rest of his life (hey, it worked for Charlie Brown!). Personally, I think he did a bang-up job. I'm going to have the cover blown up and framed on the wall of my office when the book comes out in July. Seriously. That dragon's description includes "metallic copper scales" and "an intricate diamondback pattern." Without blowing Shooting Star's annual budget on an embossed foil cover for me, I think he hit it pretty close to the mark.

Now Playing: Traveling Wilburys vol. 1

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