Thursday, October 02, 2008

Reverse psychology

Oh, those zany celebrities! Playing the reverse-psychology card to get hip, young, disaffected... young people to register to vote. Why didn't I think of that?

Register to vote!

While we're on the subject of politics, is anyone else worried that Sarah Palin's rambling, incoherent, incomprehensible answers to Katie Couric's decidedly softball questioning--answers which were lampooned on Saturday Night Live and distributed far and wide by incredulous internet viewers--is really a case of sandbagging by the McCain campaign? That Palin's really going to surpass that low, low bar set for her in tonight's vice-presidential debate, and maybe provoke Joe Biden to make one of those embarrassing verbal gaffs he's so prone to make? I mean, really, nobody is as incompetent as Palin has appeared thus far, right? Seriously, in the final bit from the painful Couric interviews, Palin was unable to come up with a single Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade that she disagreed with. Hello? Other than the 2000 split decision that handed the presidency to Bush (while we all know how well that turned out, I can hardly expect Palin to poo-poo it) she could've at least thrown out the Dred Scott case to show the Supreme Court is fallible. That's in all the history books. So is Plessy vs. Ferguson. Those aren't modern cases by any means, but it'd at least show she has a somewhat reasonable grasp of American history and governance. Sheesh...

Now Playing: Pink Floyd Staying Home to Watch the Rain

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