Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Introducing Chicken Ranch Central

After letting my website at www.JaymeBlaschke.com lie fallow and unused for the better part of the last two years, today I unveil a major renovation and redesign. Honestly, it's more along the lines of Extreme Makeover, because the only surviving element from my previous website is the URL.

Now known as "Chicken Ranch Central," my pages are repurposed to focus on my in-progress book on the infamous La Grange Chicken Ranch, but also contains more information regarding my other writing--both fiction and non--than ever before. And not content to just settle for a mere website redesign, I've also added:

  • A new Twitter account, so you can keep up with me on a moment-by-moment basis
  • A Facebook Fan page for the book project
  • A Yahoo! Announcements list for those who like their online communication to kick it old school (actually, this last one isn't new, but it seemed prudent to mention it here)

So check back early and often--fun developments are afoot!

Now Playing: The Smithereens 11

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