Friday, November 12, 2004

Austin 2006

It's official: Austin will be hosting the World Fantasy Convention in 2006. The dates are November 2-5. Am I excited? You betcha. It was rumored that landing World Fantasy was a done deal several years back, since that would coincide with the Robert E. Howard centennial. But then Melbourne, Australia, decided to put together a bid. Because 2006 was the only year Melbourne could easily organize said convention, Austin was to drop out. Which really stinks due to the R.E.H. angle, not to mention there's no way I'd be able to swing a trip Down Under. But something, somewhere, changed. And that's good news as far as I'm concerned.

The only other World Fantasy I've managed to attend was, obviously enough, the one in Corpus Christi in 2000. That was a great deal of fun, and was one of the best con-going experiences I'd ever had. The same able-bodied crew will be working on the Austin edition, who so happen to be the geniuses who bring us Armadillocon every year as well. Now, I have no more excuses: I have to get my novel(s) finished so I can do some real business there. That gives me a little under two years--I wonder if even I can procrastinate that long?

Now Playing: Pink Floyd Atom Heart Mother

1 comment:

  1. Great news. I've been to only three or four World Fantasy Cons, but they're among the best of any I've attended. I'm already looking forward to the one in Austin.
