Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Birthday present

Well, before Hurricane Rita blows us away, I figure I ought to share with you folks the nifty present I bought myself with the birthday money I received from relatives:

I first saw this hanging (flying?) dragon lamp about three years back at a flea market outside of Austin. It was way more than I could afford, but I fell in love with it. Kitsch? Maybe. Cheesy? Sure. But dang, if I didn't love the gothic dragon design and sculpt. So I just happened to be wandering around on eBay when I came across a very good deal for it, one that I couldn't pass up. I installed it in my office yesterday, after UPS dropped it off. I'm very happy with it (and the office bookshelf project is progressing steadily as well. I may post pictures this weekend, if we're not hammered by the weather too badly). The lamp, along with many others, is produced by ACK USA, but their website doesn't show much in the way of dragon goodies. Too bad. They really have a lot of groovy items.

Now Playing: Texas State Bobcat Marching Band Texas State Bobcat Marching Band 2003

1 comment:

  1. That is very awesome. Happy Birthday indeed.
