Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Upon further consideration

I'm thinking 30 pounds of plums qualifies as overkill for 6 gallons of wine. And not in the good way. The fruit cap is trapping all the CO2 and swelling up, filling the fermenter and plugging the airlock. I've never had to deal with this before--beer and mead simply foam up if fermentation gets too vigorous, and that's easy to deal with. Swelling, expanding fruit is a different story entirely. I had to put some elbow grease into it this morning to get the lid off, the pressure had built up so. Mangled plum and juice splattered me and my office carpet. I've had to remove the lid entirely and replace it with a towel, and have The Wife go in every 30 minutes or so to stir the fruit cap to release the gas and settle everything back down. If she doesn't, the must will swell out and ooze down the sides like a sweet, sticky volcano. Not good.

On the bright side, the fermentation's going great. My office smells like baking bread. Sweet, fruity bread, but bread nonetheless.

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