Sunday, May 23, 2010

Regarding the LOST finale

Ha ha ha ha ha! I haven't seen so much hand-waving since the 1st Cavalry deployed to Iraq. I feel wholly justified in my conviction that they'd simply been making it up as they went along from episode 1.

I have to give the show runners credit, though. Faced with a mountain of questions, contradictions and nonsensical enigmas to unravel in the finale, they punted. They focused on an emotional, feel-good resolution that pretty much resolved nothing, other than sending the loyal viewers away with plenty of warm fuzzies. They're all dead? At least, eventually? That's the grand send-off? The alternate timeline made no continuity sense because it wasn't an alternate timeline, but rather an alternate afterlife? Please. What Dreams May Come handled that same concept with much more creativity, and let me tell you, friends, that movie sucked. If I were a LOST loyalist, I'd be royally pissed off. Maybe not tonight. Maybe not tomorrow. But eventually, after I'd thought it through a little and gotten past the superficial "feel good" of the finale, I'd realized I'd been had.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I agree with you..I feel like they just made it up as they went should feel betrayed as it ended in such a stupid way.The alternate universe did not make sense and it was so unreal that everyone just remembered everyone else in the final episode ...

    Total nonsense..dead guys doing spinal surgeries on dead guys and what not..
