Friday, July 30, 2004

Better angels of our speechwriters

John Kerry's speech impressed me last night. It was much more dynamic and forceful than I thought him capable of. It served notice that not only would the Democratic nominee defend traditional party issues like education, health care and the middle class, but challenge the Republicans on their "home turf" issues as well. I don't think I've ever seen so many flag-waving veterans outside of a 4th of July parade before. But one line floored me. Maybe it was a throwaway bit. None of the major media outlets have brought it up, but for me, it was a full-bore body blow to the gut of the policies of Bush and his supporters that have completely alienated me from this administration:
I don't want to claim that God is on our side. As Abraham Lincoln told us, I want to pray humbly that we are on God's side.

Kerry only devoted one single paragraph of his speech to religious issues, but those were extremely powerful words. I have a huge problem with hypocrites who wrap themselves up in Jesus and use the Bible to justify unbridled arrogance. Kerry made it forcefully clear that he does, too, and used the greatest Republican's words to make his point. Bravo.

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