Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Night Videos

A singer by the name of Katy Perry--I've never heard of her before--has a song out that's apparently being heavily played in all the places that pride themselves on being trendy and cutting edge. At least as far as crass commercialism will allow, since all the real trendy and cutting edge stuff hasn't been commercialized yet, you know? The video has a lot of strutting and posturing, and while stylish and pretty, shows a distinct lack of imagination. I mean, honestly--She doesn't kiss a girl once in the whole thing. Normally, I wouldn't give the song itself a second thought, except for the fact that it reminds me of late 80s pop/rock. The production I mean. Not exactly Joan Jett meets the Divynls, but it's enough to intrigue me despite the song's overall lack of substance. Why am I apologizing for this clip? It's not like I've got an aversion to the tawdry or kitschy. I think it's the fact that Perry comes off as a poseur--she sings the words, but I don't for a moment believe her. So sue me.

And just because I am morally and ethically compelled to do so, here's the great Jill Sobule's earlier and better take on the same subject matter. One word folks: Fabio!

Previously on Friday Night Videos... Ray Charles.

Now Playing: Jill Sobule Jill Sobule


  1. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Jayme, these are my thoughts *exactly* - I'm glad you linked to this on my post. Well said!!!

  2. Sometimes I feel like I'm out of touch with pop culture, because my all of my car radio presets are set to NPR stations between my house and my parents' houses.

    Then I realize that I don't care.
