Thursday, August 01, 2024

Chicken Ranch anniversary: CLOSURE!

On this date in 1973, the infamous Chicken Ranch brothel of La Grange, Texas, closed its doors for good. The closure followed a week (give or take--it's been tough to pin down exact dates) of broadcasts by Houston TV station KTRK's consumer affairs reporter Marvin Zindler, accusing the brothel of corruption and conspiracy. The Chicken Ranch had survived attempts to close it before, but the white-hot media spotlight proved too much for it. Today marks the 51st anniversary of its closure.

Inside the Texas Chicken Ranch: The Definitive Account of the Best Little Whorehouse 50th anniversary edition cover

In 2024, however, another milestone was reached, with the official release of the revised, updated and expanded 50th anniversary edition of Inside the Texas Chicken Ranch: The Definitive Account of the Best Little Whorehouse. The six years I put into researching and writing the first edition (published in 2016) and the additional work I invested in the newer edition seems to have paid off as far as critics are concerned, with the book's reception being as close to across-the-board positive as is reasonably possible. I still think it's one of the weirdest stories to ever come out of Texas, as state that bases its entire identity on weird mythology.

Just a reminder--book reviews help tremendously. If you've read Inside the Texas Chicken Ranch and are willing to do so, even a short sentence or two on Amazon, Goodreads or other online book site would help get the book in front of new eyes and spread awareness. Thanks!

Inside the Texas Chicken Ranch: The Definitive Account of the Best Little Whorehouse is available as an ebook in the following formats: Kindle, Nook, Google Play, iBooks and Kobo.

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