Thursday, August 28, 2008

Of politics and such

After watching the final night of the Democratic Convention, a few thoughts:

1) I still wish Al Gore were the nominee for president. Or better yet, the lame duck incumbent passing the torch to Obama. If he'd campaigned in 2000 with half the vigor and passion he showed tonight, this country wouldn't be in such a fucked up state.

2) Obama is the most gifted public speaker I've ever seen. And I've seen a few in my time. He's such a natural, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if someone told me he didn't write his speech out in advance, but rather decided to wing it. He spoke for what--45 minutes?--and not one flub. Not one stammer or tongue-tied stumble. That's amazing. He will literally mop the floor with John McCain in the anticlimactic yet inevitable non-debates the media continues to refer to as presidential debates. Lincoln-Douglas they ain't. Look it up.

3) Whoever designed Obama's "O" logo needs a bonus. Or a raise. It is brilliant marketing on so many levels it's not funny. On the basic level, it does the important things--incorporate the red, white and blue patriotic colors, and works in Old Glory as well. The O, a circle, is a powerful visual cue and immediately sets him apart from the standard rectangular political signs. This is all very good, but the next piece kicks it up to 11. The hole in the O bleeds into the blue body of the letter, evocative of the sun--a rising sun, over the undulating landscape formed by the flag. Those of you with long memories may recall Ronald Reagan's devastatingly powerful "Morning in America" campaign slogan from the 1980 campaign. Coupled with Obama's downright Reagan ease in front of an audience (not to mention television cameras) this subtle coopting of a Republican icon's signature campaign theme is equal parts inspired and audacious.

I'm still unsure if he will win this thing--how he responds to continuous bare-knuckled attacks by the Republicans over the next two months will lay that question to rest one way or another. But goodness, he still impresses me more each time I see him.

Now Playing: Ray Davies Thanksgiving Day

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