Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Photomania strikes

There's a pretty dynamic online community over at the nifty blog, Digital Photography School. Each week a different "assignment" is announced, a challenge to take the best photo possible on a specific topic. The winner gets kudos and all the prestige they can eat. It's exciting for me, since it gets me to think about photography in ways that my untrained self has never done before. This past week's topic was "Shadows." Here's my entry:


This was a concept I'd had for several years, but never had the camera or inclination to attempt it. Getting all the settings correct for the shot so that the final image was neither too bright nor too dark proved a real pain. As did the limited space I had to work in, since I do not as of yet own a wide-angle lens. My hand, oddly enough, came out as a horribly jaundiced yellow, which took a bit of Photoshop work to correct. Other than that misstep, however, I think it came out pretty close to what I'd wanted.

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