Saturday, July 23, 2005

A lesson in humility

Well, today's signing at Borders did not go well. Not a single, solitary book sold or signed despite several hours of smiling and pressing the flesh. Half a dozen folks waxed enthusiastic about my book before claiming poverty, sneaking off when I was greeting someone else, or promising to buy it "some other time." One fellow engaged me in an animated conversation about it, and the authors contained therein, for a good 20 minutes before walking off with a dismissive "I'm just not into that sci-fi stuff." I'm telling you, if I suffered from an over-inflated ego, that's not a problem anymore.

Fortunately, the staff treated me with absolute professional courtesy. The floor manager greeted me with enthusiasm and made three P.A. announcements during the course of my signing. They made sure I had cold water to drink and were absolutely top notch during my non-signing event. So, despite the fact that I signed no books, I had a decent time, and my title is now stocked on their shelves. Which is, when you get down to it, why I'm doing these things in the first place. Now, on to Austin!

Now Playing: Grateful Dead In the Dark

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