Friday, May 28, 2004

Arrgh! My leg!

Yesterday afternoon my right leg began to ache. That kind of nagging soreness you sometimes get if you've worked it a little too hard. But I hadn't worked out since Monday, so it was puzzling. As the afternoon wore on, the ache turned into actual pain. Now it felt like a sprain (outer side of the leg, right above the ankle). But it couldn't be a sprain, since I hadn't twisted, jerked, strained or prodded my leg in any unusual or uncomfortable way. By the time I got home, I was seriously limping. What's the deal? I was growing more and more irritated. The pain was coming from the general area where I broke my leg close to a decade ago, but as it's never given me trouble before, why would it suddenly start now, without provocation? The thought crossed my mind that my weight might be putting strain on my joints, but I've actually shed 40 pounds since last summer, and the knees are what give out first in joint problems, so that wasn't it.

So I resolved to stay off my feet for the evening and do some writing. After about an hour I gave up. The damn thing actually felt like it really was broken by this point (and I've broken enough bones to know the feeling) and wouldn't support any weight. No swelling, no discoloration, nothing to indicate anything was wrong. I started entertaining thoughts of going to the hospital. I dragged myself up to bed to attempt that tried-and-true method of self-medication: Sleeping it off until tomorrow.

Today, the leg is still sore, but only a fraction of what it was. In fact, the reduced discomfort has faced significantly since waking up this morning. And the strength has returned. One of the weirdest things I've ever experienced...

Now Playing: Don Henley California Desperados

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