Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Voices of Vision: We have a cover!

The good folks at Nebraska have been kind enough to send me a mock up of the cover for my forthcoming book, Voices of Vision. Now, I'll be the first to admit that this is in no way the look I was expecting, but it's really grown on me. If nothing else, it's striking and will grab people's attention on the bookstore shelves.

Voices of Vision, by Jayme Lynn Blaschke

I don't know who the cover designer is, so I haven't had a chance to discuss the thought behind the imagery. Are they Neil Gaiman fans, and saw this as an opportunity to illustrate the Corinthian? Or was the juxtaposition of the mouth and eyes inspired by conflating "Voices" and "Vision"?

In any event, it seems clear that Nebraska is putting a good bit of effort into my book. It's being published under the Bison Frontiers of the Imagination series, but with a cover that breaks it out from the style of those reprint novels. I'd be happy to hear the thoughts of loyal (and disloyal) Gibberish readers on the matter.

Now Playing: Ettore Stratta Music from the Galaxies


  1. Well, it gets your attention, for sure. Looks like Joe Lansdale in full rant mode (but with less hair).

  2. I dunno, Bill. Hard to see Joe being that soft-spoken!

  3. Hey, Jayme! Cool cover - I clicked on the site's "Notify Me" button and when I'd entered my info, they confirmed receipt with a message: "Thanks for pre-ordering!" Um - well I hope I've got the money when it's available because it really looks like a good book!

    And another hey: I drive right past Nebraska University Press's Bison Books building every single working day! Small world, eh? Honestly, Nebr. Press is *mongo* prestigious - I'm expecting your book to be wonderful. Seriously. Can't wait to read it.

    Rumor Mill friend-
