What would make an impact, potentially driving sales a month or so later when the book was officially released? Bookmarks and cover flats are a dime a dozen. And my book's an odd bird, not traditionally what SF readers go for. So what could I do--on a budget--that the average congoer would appreciate and respect. And then it struck me that I must exploit the average congoer's mortal weakness, a weakness that cut across gender and ethnicity lines to encompass the whole of fandom. No, I'm not talking kryptonite. I'm talking free beer.
Will my grand homebrew scheme pay off? I dunno. It was certainly a tactical success. Lots of people called me a guerrilla marketing genius. Four separate parties were coopted into impromptu book launch parties. Lots more people drank the beer, and nobody went blind. Two of the conventions whose parties I coopted invited me as a guest on the spot (the other two already have me on their roster). But was it a strategic success? Will the collectable bottles and good will toward me and my book translate into sales? Only time will tell.
Now Playing: Aerosmith Just Push Play
Beauty, Jayme. Beauty.
ReplyDeleteGeeze, Gabe, yer makin' me blush and stuff...
ReplyDeleteShe was holding free beer?!? Huh. Funny how I didn't notice.