Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Apollocon programming schedule

I've got my programming schedule from Apollocon, and it certainly looks like it'll be an entertaining (and busy) weekend. Particular items that stand out immediately are the "Dr. Quack Reviews Books" panel, which also features Brad Denton, and "101 Uses for a Multitool" with the irrepressable Selina Rosen. Hold onto your hats, folks--it's gonna be a wild ride!
Fri 1900-2000 Opening Ceremonies
Conchair Mark B. Hall welcomes attendees to ApolloCon and introduces the concom and our guests.

Fri 2200-2300 Dr Quack Reviews Books
Panelists borrow books from the audience and take turns making up reviews or capsule retellings of the story based only on the cover art. (The crazier the better.)

Sat 1200-1300 The present painted in the future: SF as a Venue for Social Commentary
Panelists discuss the proposition that "Science fiction isn't so much a version of the future as it is a comment on the present painted in the future." Is this always the case? Does it matter if it's not? What kinds of commentaries can be/have been made thorugh science fiction? Does this only apply to science fiction, or do fantasy, dark fantasy and horror also offer opportunities for commentary? How do writers make the commentary? How do readers interpret the commentary?

Sat 1400-1500 Readings: Bradley Denton, Jayme Lynn Blaschke
Back to back readings in a shared one hour slot. (25 minutes actual for each reader)

Sat 1500-1600 Writing 101
Panelists offer their observations and experience to new and developing writers and answer questions from the audience. Everything is fair game from "where ideas come from" to "when you can quit your day job" and anything else related to writing, revising, getting published, getting famous, and staying solvent in the process.

Sat 1800-1900 Autographs: Jayme Lynn Blaschke
Formal Autograph session

Sat 2300-2400 101 uses for a Multitool
Needs a panel of people with a slightly sick sense of humor to sit around and brainstorm in public about non-standard (and hopefully funny) uses for a multitool. Extra points for interesting ideas that are actually functional!

Sun 1400-1500 Spec Fic on the Internet
Panelists discuss how to feed a SF/Fantasy/Horror reading habit off the Internet. Topics might include sources, finding aids, does cost (for-pay versus sponsored versus "museum style" versus free) affect availability or quality, technical issues, varying formats, intellectual property considerations.

Now Playing: Andean Fusion Andian Sounds for the World, vol. VII

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Have fun there, Jayme. I wish I could be there but I am still in Chattanooga. Sing me a chorus of "Nooga,
    Sweet Nooga" or some such.
